Hello There

I’m John Abel

Freelance Programmer, Hobbyist Game Developer

I’m John Abel, a former professional – now freelance – programmer, and hobbyist game developer.

Utilizing my existing skills and expertise, I have already taken part in many Game Development Events – resulting in the creation of many different small indie releases. You can see a breakdown of these games (and play them) by visiting my portfolio.

My ultimate goal, and reason for further improvements and study is:

To leave a positive impact to as many people as possible, through my creative works. With the intent that future generations will find enjoyment and experience positivity from them. To maintain and record my name and my associated works into history. 

I’m currently progressing through my studies to better improve my abilities and skills. If you see anything here that piques your interest, or want to reach out, I am available at work.jabel@gmail.com or here.